Do you feel lost in the organization of company events? Leave it to us

We are happy to support you in the preparation of corporate events, meetings with partners, or internal training. If you lack time to organize, or if you lack the space, let us know. Our meeting rooms in the city center are available as well as the possibility of refreshments and everything else you may need for smooth organization of the event.

We can also help with promotion events. For instance we can let our members know and broaden the awareness of what you are doing. We can either send out information to our email database, or we can contact specific companies that interest you. This way your business can benefit from the event the most.

Contact person:
Ing. Erika Javůrková
tel.: +420 495 521 682


Místnost Umístění Kapacita Člen Krajské hospodářské komory KHK Nečlen Krajské hospodářské komory KHK
Velká zasedací místnost 3. patro 35 osob 300,- Kč/ hod. 450,-Kč/ hod.
Malá zasedací místnost 2. patro 14 osob 200,- Kč/hod. 350,-Kč/hod
dataprojektor zdarma 600,-Kč/den
flipchart zdarma zdarma
promítací plátno zdarma zdarma
WiFi připojení zdarma zdarma
voda, káva, čaj 35,-Kč/osoba 35,-Kč/osoba
další občerstvení dle rozsahu dle rozsahu

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